2015. 11. 18.

立体主义 Cubism 큐비즘,입체주의


Cube와 ism이 결합된 용어예요. 

20세기초 프랑스 파리를 
중심으로 입체파 화가들은, 

대상을 원뿔, 원통, 구와 같은 형태로 분할하거나,
선,면 대신 기하학적 형태로 구성된 풍경화를 그렸어요.
또, 여러각도에서 본 얼굴모습을 
한 평면에 재구성하는 초상화를 선보였죠.

Pablo Picasso 
파블로 피카소
<Girl before a Mirror>

C. 1932 
 Oil on canvas 
162.3 x 130.2 cm

(Gift of Mrs. Simon Guggenheim)

乔治·布拉克Georges Braque和
毕加索Pablo Picasso所建立.

흔히, 피카소와 브라크를 
큐비즘의 창시자라고 하죠. 

큐비즘의 탄생을 알리는 작품은 
피카소의 '아비뇽의 여인들(1906년)'이예요.

Pablo Picasso
파블로 피카소

<Les Demoiselles d'Avignon>

c. 1907
 Oil on canvas
243.9 x 233.7 cm

(Acquired through
 the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest.) 

평론가 루이북셀 Louis Vauxcelles에 의해, 
그림묘사에 Cube라는 용어가 
처음 쓰인건 1908년 브라크의 작품이예요.

 Georges Braque
조르주 브라크

<House at l'estaque>

c 1908.
 73 x 60 cm. 
Oil on canvas. 

Berne, Switzerland

 지중해연안 레스타크 (L'Estaque)지방의 
풍경을 표현했어요.

본격적으로 입체파 화가들의 
작품을 감상할께요 

 Paul Cezanne
폴 세잔

< Forest  >

C .1894
Style: Cubism
Period: Final period
Genre: landscape
oil on canvas

 Los Angeles County Museum of Art, LA

Henri Matisse
앙리 마티스

< Madame Yvonne Landsberg  >

Style: Cubism
Genre: portrait

 Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA 

  Piet Mondrian
피엣 몬드리안

< The Gray Tree  >

C . 1911
Style: Cubism
Genre: landscape
oil on canvas
 79.7 x 109.1 cm

 Haags Gemeentemuseum,
The Hague, Netherlands
헤이그 시립미술관

 Raoul Dufy
라울 뒤피

< The Hunt >
*Design for fabric

Style: Cubism
Genre: design

Art Institute of Chicago

 Paul Klee
파울 클레
< Senecio  >

Style: Cubism
Period: Bauhaus
Genre: portrait
40.5 x 38 cm
Oil on canvas

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
에른스트 루드비히 키르히너

< Great Lovers >
(Mr and Miss Hembus)

C .1930
Style: Cubism
Genre: genre painting
 151 x 112 cm

Kirchner Museum,
Davos, Switzerland

 Kazimir Malevich
카지미르 말레비치

< Sportsman >

C .1913
Style: Cubism
Genre: sketch and study
pencil on  paper
27 x 21 cm

The St. Petersburg State Museum
of Theater and Music, Russia

Francis Picabia
프랜시스 피카비아

< Dances at the Spring  >

Style: Cubism
Genre: abstract
Technique: oil

Philadelphia Museum of Art,USA

 Franz Marc
프란츠 마르크

< Monkey Frieze >

C .1911
Style: Cubism
Genre: wildlife painting
oil on canvas
135.5 x 75.5 cm

Hamburger Kunsthalle,
Hamburg, Germany

  Franz Marc
프란츠 마르크

< Seated Mythical Animal >

Style: Cubism
Genre: animal painting
46.04 x 38.42 cm

 Milwaukee Art Museum,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Andre Derain
앙드레 드렝

< Vista de Saint Paul de Vence  >

Style: Cubism
Genre: cityscape
oil on canvas

Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany

 Andre Derain
앙드레 드렝

<The Last Supper of Jesus >

Style: Cubism
Genre: religious painting
oil on canvas
227.3 x 288.3 cm

Art Institute of Chicago, USA

 Fernand Leger
페르낭 레제

< The Bathers  >

Style: Cubism
Genre: genre painting
 223 x 300 cm

Musee National Fernand Leger

 Max Weber
막스 웨버

< The Visit  >

C 1919
Style: Cubism
Genre: genre painting
oil on canvas
Diameter: 76.2cm

Brooklyn Museum, New York

 Georges Braque
조르주 브라크

< Napkin, knife and pears >

C .1908
Place of Creation: France
Style: Cubism
Genre: still life
oil on canvas

Barnes Foundation,
Lincoln University, Merion, USA

Wyndham Lewis
윈덤 루이스

< The Surrender of Barcelona >

Style: Cubism, Metaphysical art
Genre: history painting

Theo van Doesburg
테오 판 도스부르흐
< Composition with three heads  >
(from sketchbook 13)

Style: Cubism
Genre: sketch and study
 12 x 19 cm

 Centraal Museum,
Utrecht, Netherlands
위트레흐 중앙 박물관

 Max Beckmann
막스 베크만

< The Iron Bridge >
(View of Frankfurt)

Style: Cubism
Genre: cityscape
oil on canvas

Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen,
 Düsseldorf, Germany
노르트라인 베스트팔렌 미술관

André Lhote
앙드레 로테
< Les deux amies>

Style: Cubism, Neoclassicism

Diego Rivera
디에고 리베라

< Portrait of the Adolfo Best Maugard >

C .1913
Style: Cubism
Genre: portrait
oil on canvas
227.5 x 161.5 cm

Museo Nacional de Arte, Mexico

 Marcel Duchamp
마르셀 뒤샹
<Bride >

C .1912
Style: Cubism
Genre: figurative
oil on canvas
89.5 x 55.25 cm

Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA
