ABC Art, Cool Art,
Primary Structures, 순수 오브제등
다양한 명칭으로 불리는
Primary Structures, 순수 오브제등
다양한 명칭으로 불리는
미니멀 아트란,
절제된 양식과 단순한 제작방식을 채택하여
의식적으로 미적 가치를 저감시킨 작품군을 뜻해요.
의식적으로 미적 가치를 저감시킨 작품군을 뜻해요.
한가지 색만사용하는 단색화(모노크롬)나
단순한 형태의 설치작품이 많아요.
단순한 형태의 설치작품이 많아요.
최근 새롭게 주목받는 '단색화'가
특정 미술사조를 뜻하는
고유명사처럼 쓰이고 있어요.
7~80년대 단색화운동 대표작가들의 작품이
점차 해외에서 인지도가 형성되어,
'Dansaekhwa'로 통칭하는 경우가 잦아요.
지난 5월에는 국제 갤러리가 후원하는
베니스 비엔날레 특별전 '단색화'가 개최되고,
(Venice Biennale: 'Dansaekhwa')
지난10월 크리스티 뉴욕에서는
"Forming Nature:
Dansaekhwa Korean Abstract Art"라는
그룹전이 열렀어요.
일각에선 버블현상으로 보기도 해요.
미술사조의 개념으로 정의하기에는
시기상조라는 등의 근거를 들며...
백과사전에 등재된 '단색화'라는 용어도
요청에 의해 삭제된 상태라고 해요.
요청에 의해 삭제된 상태라고 해요.
Yves Klein(1928-1962)
이브 클라인
< Untitled Pink Monochrome >
Style: Minimalism
Series: Monochrome works
76 x 52 cm
이브 클라인
< Untitled Pink Monochrome >
Style: Minimalism
Series: Monochrome works
76 x 52 cm
Yves Klein
이브 클라인
<Sculpture-éponge rose sans titre, (SE 204)>
signed ‘Yves 59’ (on the underside of the base)
dry pigment and synthetic resin
on natural sponge, metal stem and stone base
height (including stone base): 38.5cm
Executed in 1959
Est. £700,000~ £1,000,000
Sold. £962,500 (2015 Christie`s)
Dan Flavin
댄 플래빈
(to Barnett Newman to commemorate
his simple problem, red, yellow and blue)
C .1970
Style: Minimalism
Genre: installation
Dan Flavin
댄 플래빈
c. 1996
Style: MinimalismGenre: sculpture
Installation at Richmond Hall
The Menil Collection.
Ellsworth kelly
엘스워스 켈리
<White Curves >
white aluminium
Style: Minimalism
Genre: sculpture
in the garden of the Fondation Beyeler
in Riehen, Switzerland
스위스 바이엘러 미술관
Sol LeWitt
솔 르윗
< Hanging Complex Form >
Style: Minimalism
Genre: sculpture
Sol LeWitt
솔 르윗
< Wall Drawing #260 >
C .1975
Style: Minimalism
Genre: abstract
Chalk on painted wall,
Dimensions variable,
A Sol LeWitt Room from
Museum of Modern Art's Collection
(Gift of an anonymous donor)
Bruce Nauman
브루스 나우먼
< AH HA >
C .1975
Style: Minimalism
Genre: abstract
*National gallery of australia
( Purchased 1976)
sheet 74.0 h x 104.4 w cm.Materials & Technique:
prints, stencil one colour screenprint
Impression: artist's proof VI/XI
Edition: edition of 44,
plus 11 AP, TP, RTP, PP II, 3 GEL, C
Primary Insc: signed, lower right corner,
in pencil, 'B NAUMAN' not dated.
* Lot Sold. $10,625
(screenprint Ed.43 /2013 Christie`s)
Sean Scully
션 스컬리
<Untitled No. 6 >
C .1979
Style: Minimalism
Genre: abstract
121.92 X 121.92 cm
acrylic on canvas
Hiroshi Sugimoto
히로시 스기모토
<Seascape: North Atlantic Ocean, Cape Breton>
C .1996
Style: Minimalism
Silver Gelatin Photograph
Kazimir Malevich
카지미르 말레비치
<Black Square>
c. 1915
79.5 x 79.5 cm,
oil on canvas
Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
트레티야코프 미술관
David Batchelor
데이비드 배첼러
<Disco Mecsnique >
C .2008
Style: Minimalism
Genre: installation
plastic sunglasses
installed in the Metropole galleries.
Folkestone Triennial 2008.
Yayoi Kusama
야요이 쿠사마
< Dots >
C .2004
Style: Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism
Genre: abstract
Park Seo-Bo
박 서보
< Ecriture No. 070201 >
C .2007
Style: Minimalism
Genre: abstract
Walter Darby Bannard
월터 다비 버나드
< Camellia Same >
C .1962
Style: Minimalism
Genre: abstract
Frank Stella
프랭크 스텔라
< Harran II >
C .1967
Style: Minimalism
Genre: abstract
304.8 × 609.6 cm
Polymer and fluorescent
polymer paint on canvas
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, NY
Eva Hesse
에바 헤세
< Untitled>
C .1966
Style: Minimalism
Genre: abstract
Watercolor and pencil on paper
30 x 23.1 cm
(Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fischbach)
Tony Smith
토니 스미스
< She Who Must Be Obeyed >
Style: Minimalism
Genre: sculpture
Steel, painted blue
20'9-3/8" X 33'6" X 16'
Frances Perkins Building, Washington DC
Judy Chicago
주디 시카고
< Rainbow Pickett >
C .1965
Style: Minimalism
Genre: installation
Latex paint on canvas-covered plywood
collection of David and Diane Waldman.
Waldman Family Trust. Rancho Mirage, CA
Daniel Buren
다니엘 뷔랑
< Photo-souvenir: 1 carré =
1 cercle + 4 triangles,
Hauts-reliefs situés H, travail situé >
Style: Minimalism
Genre: installation
200 x 200 cm x 26,1 cm
Medium: Aluminium, orange 2004 Dibond,
white lacquer paint and
black self-adhesive vinyl tape (6 éléments)
The Armory Show,2015
Jim Lambie
짐 램비
< Tangerine Dream >
C .2004
Style: Minimalism, Pop Art
Genre: sculpture
Medium: Mattress, paint
Rubell Family Collection
Jim Lambie
짐 램비
< Zobop >
C .1999
Style: Minimalism, Pop Art
Genre: installation
Duveen Galleries, Tate Britain, 2003.
Barnett Newman
바넷 뉴먼
<Voice of Fire>
Acrylic on canvas
540 cm × 240 cm
National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa
(permanent collection in 1989
at a cost of $1.8 million)
Barnett Newman
바넷 뉴먼
< Broken Obelisk >
c. 1963~1969
Place of Creation: United States
Style: Minimalism
Genre: sculpture
749.9 x 318.8 cm
Ruth Vollmer
루스 볼머
< unknown title >
Style: Minimalism
Genre: sculpture
Jean-Pierre Raynaud
장 피에르 레이노
< Container Zéro >
C .1988
Style: Minimalism
Genre: installation
Carrelage, acier, électricité
330 x 330 x 330 cm
Centre Pompidou
Roni Horn
로니 혼
< Thicket No. 1 >
c. 1989~1990
Style: Minimalism
Genre: sculpture
Technique: plastic
Material: aluminium
Tate Gallery, London, UK
Roni Horn
로니 혼
< When Dickinson Shut Her Eyes No.689:
C .1993
Style: Minimalism
Genre: installation
John McCracken
존 맥래켄
C. 1981
resin, fiberglass sculpture
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Larry Bell
래리 벨
<Made for Arolsen>
C. 1992
16 panels of 10mm thick glass,
8 panels 72"x96", 8 panels 72"x 48".
8 panels Pink Rosa, 8 panels Blue Azure,
glass fabricated in Rotterdam, Holland
Museum Abtleberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany 2002
도널드 저드
C. 1973
medium: Brass and blue Plexiglas
83.82 x 172.7 x 121.9 cm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,
New York Panza Collection, 1991
Richard Serra
리차드 세라
< The Matter of Time>
c. 1994–2005
Style: Minimalism
Genre: installation
Eight sculptures, weathering steel
Variable dimensions
Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
Mark Rothko
마크 로스코
<Rothko Chapel >
c. 1964~1967
Place of Creation: United States
Location: Houston, Texas
Built: 1971
Style: Minimalism
Genre: installation
Martin Creed
마틴 크리드
< Work No. 264>
(Two protrusions from a wall)
Style: Minimalism
Genre: sculpture
Courtesy Hayward Gallery
Walter De Maria
월터 드 마리아
< Time/Timeless/No Time >
Style: Minimalism
Genre: installation