蔡国强 Cai Guo-Qiang
차이 구어 치앙
(born 1957)
(born 1957)
Chinese contemporary artist
蔡国强은 문화대혁명의 격동기에
청소년기를 보냈어요.
( 文化大革命 . 1966~1976)
문혁세대는 역사적 소용돌이에 휩쓸려
광장집회와 대대적인 시위에 참여했어요.
현장을 뒤덮은 대포와 화염을 목격했기 때문에
폭발과 연기에 익숙해져 있어요.
蔡国强은 화약(gunpowder)이
파괴의 현장뿐 아니라
축복의 현장에도 쓰인다는 사실에
특별한 관심을 기울이게 되었어요.
(destruction and reconstruction)
( image courtesy of ➱Cai Studio)
Fallen Blossoms:
Explosion Project, 2009
(花开花落: 爆破计划)
Gunpowder fuse, scaffolding
metal net for gunpowder fuse
Duration: 60 seconds
Philadelphia Museum of Art
➱A blossoming flower
아버지Cai Ruiqin는 서점에서 일하는
서예가이자 화가였기 때문에,
蔡는 유년기부터 서양문학과
중국전통예술을 접할수 있었어요.
Explosion Project, 2009
(花开花落: 爆破计划)
metal net for gunpowder fuse
Duration: 60 seconds
Philadelphia Museum of Art
➱A blossoming flower
아버지Cai Ruiqin는 서점에서 일하는
서예가이자 화가였기 때문에,
蔡는 유년기부터 서양문학과
중국전통예술을 접할수 있었어요.
Shanghai Theater Academy에서
무대디자인을 전공하고,
1986년에 일본으로 건너갔어요.
무대디자인을 전공하고,
1986년에 일본으로 건너갔어요.
<Self-Portrait : Asubjugated soul>
Art Type: Drawing
Gunpowder, oil on canvas
167 x 118 cm
Art Type: Drawing
Gunpowder, oil on canvas
167 x 118 cm
-Collection of Leo Shih
Cai Guo-Qiang:
Concerning Flame 展
@Tokyo Gallery 1994
1995년까지 일본체류 기간동안,
격렬하며 즉흥,변형적 특징을 지닌
화약의 폭발을 소묘에 도입하는
실험을 거듭한 끝에 그만의 특색있는
"explosion events"를 구상해냈어요.
Cai Guo-Qiang:
Concerning Flame 展
@Tokyo Gallery 1994
1995년까지 일본체류 기간동안,
격렬하며 즉흥,변형적 특징을 지닌
화약의 폭발을 소묘에 도입하는
실험을 거듭한 끝에 그만의 특색있는
"explosion events"를 구상해냈어요.
Art Type: Drawing
Gunpowder, oil, and
paper pulp on canvas
61 x 73 x 3 cm
Cai Guo-Qiang:
Hanging Out in the Museum 展
@Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 2005
Gunpowder drawings와
Explosion events는
향후 蔡国强작품의 중요한 축이 돼요.
"Cai Guo-Qiang: Sky Ladder(2012)"
- Museum of Contemporary Art, LA
- Museum of Contemporary Art, LA
I am extraterrestial :
project extraterrestials No.4
-project for meeting with Tenjin
Art Type: Drawing
Gunpowder and ink on paper,
mounted on canvas
227.4 x 182 cm
Museum City Tenjin '90:mounted on canvas
227.4 x 182 cm
Circulation of Sensibility展
@ Fukuoka Asian Art Museum
1990년부터 폭발이벤트 시리즈
"Projects for Extraterrestrials"를 시작했어요.
세계각지에서 시행되는 대규모 이벤트인데
대륙을 가로지르는 화염이나
빌딩전면에 활활타오르는
불길을 선보이기도 해요..
"Projects for Extraterrestrials"를 시작했어요.
세계각지에서 시행되는 대규모 이벤트인데
대륙을 가로지르는 화염이나
빌딩전면에 활활타오르는
불길을 선보이기도 해요..
Fetus movement II :
Project for extraterrestials No.9 1991
Art Type: Drawing
Gunpowder and ink on paper ,
Mounted on wood
as 8-panel folding screen
200*680cm overall
Collection of Museum of
Contemporary Art, Tokyo
Installation view at the National Art
Museum of China, Beijing, 2008
蔡는 경험이나 기억에서 비롯한
다양한 상징이나 이야기를
Gunpowder drawings으로 표현해요.
과학, 초상 , 불꽃 fireworks
풍수 風水 fengshui
한의학 Chinese medicine
산수화 shanshui paintings
flora 식물군 ,fauna동물상 등
관심있는 주제를 모티브로 해요.
signed in Pinyin and Chinese,
titled in Chinese and dated 1991
gunpowder and ink on
Japanese paper mounted on wood
each: 200 * 80 cm.
overall: 200 * 560 cm
Est.9,000,000 — 15,000,000 HKD
Lot Sold. 18,580,000 HKD
(Sotheby`s HK 2010)
The Vague Board at the edge of time,
space project 1991
Gunpowder and ink on paper
Mounted on wood
as 7-panel folding screen
200*595cm overall
Foundation Cartier pour
L`art contemporain , paris
1993년에 만리장성 프로젝트에서는
고비사막을 가로지르는 6마일 길이의
화약 도화선을 설치했어요.
점화후 상공에는 중국을 상징하는
용의 형상을 한 불길이
15분동안 지속됐어요.
Project to Extend the Great Wall
of China by 10,000 Meters:
Project for Extraterrestrials No. 10 (1993)
Fetus Movement II:
Project for Extraterrestrials No. 9
Encountering Others,1992
Art Type: Explosion Event
Duration: 9 seconds
Dimensions: Land area 15,000 sq. m
Gunpowder (90 kg), fuse(1,300 m),
seismograph with nine sensors,
Commissioned by
The Kassel International Art Exhibition
for Exhibition Encountering the Others
중국에 뿌리를 둔 蔡国强 .
그는 중국의 발명품
종이와 화약을 도입한 작품을
선보여 유명세를 얻었어요.
Internal and External Universe:
Water Wood Metal Fire Earth (1995)
- 46th Venice Biennale,Venice, Italy
Art Type: Installation
Dimensions variable
Medium: Chinese herbs,
vending machine, medicine bottles,
steel cable, paper, table, and cloth
Collection of the artist
1995년 아시아 문화예술 위원회(ACC)의
후원으로 蔡는 뉴욕 땅을 밟았어요.
Asian Cultural Council는
미국과 아시아 문화교류 촉진을 위해
존 D.록펠러가 창립한 국제기구예요.
Flying Dragon in the Heavens:
Project for Extraterrestrials No. 29
Art Type: Explosion Event
Dimensions: Kite Length: 100 m
Duration: 5 seconds
Medium: Gunpowder: 7 kg ,
gunpowder fuses: 1,500 m,
silk dragon kite and rope
Commissioned by Louisiana Museum
of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark
Heavenly Secret
Promenade in Asia II, 1997
Art Type: Installation
Medium:Neon lights, paper,
bubble machine, and Taoist shaman
Collection of Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo
Dragon: Explosion
on Issey Miyake (1998)
Art Type: Explosion Event
Dimensions: 63 pieces
Medium: Gunpowder
on 63 Pleats Please garments
Collection of the artist
Gunpowder drawings의
제작과정을 살펴보면,
먼저 바닥에 특별제작된 종이를 깔고
화약 도화선을 배치한뒤
가연성의 가루를 뿌려요.
글자나 모양에 맞춰 오려낸
형판(스텐실)을 이용하면
좀더 명확한 윤곽을 형성할수 있어요.
점화후 폭파한 화약이
분산되어 패턴을 형성하도록
널판지로 위를 덮고
돌맹이로 고정시켜요..
준비를 마치고
한쪽끝에서 향을 피워 점화시키면
요란한 폭발음을 시작으로
화약이 종이틈새로 터져나와요.
signed in Pinyin,
titled in Chinese and English
and dated 1998, framed
gunpowder and ink on paper
183.8 by 65 cm.
Est. 1,200,000~1,600,000 HKD
몇초후면 연기가 자욱하게 내려앉고,
각 모서리를 둘러싸 대기하고 있던
조수들이 재빨리 달려와
솜방망이로 두드려 모든 불씨를 없애요.
덮개용 널판지를 제거하고
타다만 종이조각과 화약가루를 털어내면
저면에 작가의 의도와
폭발의 우연성이 빚어낸
Gunpowder drawings이 완성돼있어요.
No Destruction, No Construction:1998
Art Type:Explosion Event
Approx. 500 x 10 m
Gunpowder bombs (25 kg),
fuse (2500 m), one helium balloon
Duration: Approximately 1 minute
Commissioned by the
Taiwan Province Museum of Art
Dragon Sight Sees Vienna:
Project for Extraterrestrials No. 32
Art Type:Explosion Event
Dimensions: Length 600meters.
Gunpowder (15 kg),fuse (600 m)
Duration: 15 seconds
Commissioned by Kunsthalle Wien
for the exhibition Cai Guo-Qiang:
I Am the Y2K Bug, (1999~2000)
Venice's Rent Collection Courtyard,1999
Art Type:Installation
108 life-sized sculptures
created on site by Long Xu Li
and nine guest artisan sculptors,
60 tons of clay, wire and wood armature.
Commissioned by
the 48th Venice Biennale
*artwork not extant
(Photo courtesy Fondation
Cartier pour l’art contemporain)
Primeval Fireball:
The Project for Projects (2002)
Art Type: Drawing Installation
Dimensions variable
Seven gunpowder drawings
-gunpowder on paper
mounted on board
as folding screens
Cai Guo-Qiang (2000)
-Paris, France
<Sky Bath ,2000>
Art Type: Installation
Dimensions variable
Medium: Digital prints on paper,
handwriting, and bulletin boards
Shanghai Biennale 2000:
Shanghai Spirit
Collection of the artist
<Till by Blade, Sow by Fire,2000>
La Ville, le Jardin, la Memoire
Art Type:Explosion Event
Gunpowder fuse
exploded in plowed dirt
Dimensions variable.
Realized at the Académie de
France à Rome, Villa Médicis, Rome
Commissioned by
Academie de France, Rome
APEC Cityscape Fireworks,2001
Art Type: Explosion Event
Dimensions: Realized at The Bund,
Huangpu River,Oriental Pearl TV tower
(200,000 shots of explosive)
Duration: Approx.20 minutes
Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC)
Winning Gift:
Heavy with Wounds 2001
Art Type:Installation
53 x 60 cm
Collection of the artist
(Magnet: Foreign Artists
in Tuscany 1945-2000)
Net, The 2002
Art Type: Installation
Dimensions variable
Medium: Bronze bird cage,
99 canary birds, wood boat,
3000 golden arrows,
laptop computer, and rope
Cai Guo-Qiang (2002)
- Shanghai, China
Silk flag, silk lanterns,
industrial fans, and electric lights
Dimensions variable
-Collection of the artist
Installation view at Villa Manin Centre
for Contemporary Art, Udine, 2008
Transient Rainbow, 2002
Art Type: Explosion Event
Explosion radius approx. 200 m.
Realized over the East River,
from Manhattan to Queens
Duration: 15 seconds
Medium:1,000 3-inch multi-color
peony fireworks fitted with computer chips
Commissioned by
the Museum of Modern Art,New York
for the opening of MoMA Queens
Man, Eagle and Eye in the Sky:
Eye-Kite Flying People
Executed in 2003
titled in Chinese;
titled 'Eye-kite Flying People' in English;
inscribed in English;
dated '2003' (lower right)
gunpowder on paper
mounted on wood, quadriptych
overall: 230 x 310 cm.
Est. HK$3,000,000~$5,000,000
Lot Sold. HK$7,220,000
( Christie`s HK 2012 )
Light Cycle: Explosion Project
for Central Park ,2003
Art Type: Explosion Event
Realized at Central Park, NY
Medium: Tiger tails
titanium solutes
fitted with computer chips
shells with descending stars
Duration: 4 minutes
Commissioned by Creative Time
in conjunction with the City of NY and
the Central Park Conservancy
for the 150th anniversary
of the creation of Central Park
실현불가능 할것만 같았던
다양한 프로젝트도 실패를 거듭하면서
우공이산의 정신으로 성공시켜왔어요.
스스로 겁이많고 수줍음잘타는
성실한 사람이라 소개한 蔡는
인상적인 기획전시를 선보이고
대규모 축전행사를 도맡아하며
세계로 뻗어가고 있어요.
"An Arbitrary History:
Infinite River" 2008
Dimensions variable
Installation view at the National
Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2008
Installation incorporating resin
and bamboo riverbed, water,
yak skin and wood boats
2편에서는 99마리의 동물들이 모여
목을 축이는 작품을 선보인
Cai Guo-Qiang: Falling Back to Earth
전시얘기로 이어갈께요~
"When i `m 80 years old,
Art will let me act like an 8 years old."
-Cai Guo-Qiang :D
Project for Extraterrestrials No. 9
Encountering Others,1992
Art Type: Explosion Event
Duration: 9 seconds
Dimensions: Land area 15,000 sq. m
Gunpowder (90 kg), fuse(1,300 m),
seismograph with nine sensors,
Commissioned by
The Kassel International Art Exhibition
for Exhibition Encountering the Others
중국에 뿌리를 둔 蔡国强 .
그는 중국의 발명품
종이와 화약을 도입한 작품을
선보여 유명세를 얻었어요.
Internal and External Universe:
Water Wood Metal Fire Earth (1995)
- 46th Venice Biennale,Venice, Italy
Art Type: Installation
Dimensions variable
Medium: Chinese herbs,
vending machine, medicine bottles,
steel cable, paper, table, and cloth
Collection of the artist
1995년 아시아 문화예술 위원회(ACC)의
후원으로 蔡는 뉴욕 땅을 밟았어요.
Asian Cultural Council는
미국과 아시아 문화교류 촉진을 위해
존 D.록펠러가 창립한 국제기구예요.
Flying Dragon in the Heavens:
Project for Extraterrestrials No. 29
Art Type: Explosion Event
Dimensions: Kite Length: 100 m
Duration: 5 seconds
Medium: Gunpowder: 7 kg ,
gunpowder fuses: 1,500 m,
silk dragon kite and rope
Commissioned by Louisiana Museum
of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark
-for Exhibition Cai Guo-Qiang:
Flying Dragon in the Heavens, 1997
Flying Dragon in the Heavens, 1997
Heavenly Secret
Promenade in Asia II, 1997
Art Type: Installation
Medium:Neon lights, paper,
bubble machine, and Taoist shaman
Collection of Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo
Dragon: Explosion
on Issey Miyake (1998)
Art Type: Explosion Event
Dimensions: 63 pieces
Medium: Gunpowder
on 63 Pleats Please garments
Collection of the artist
Gunpowder drawings의
제작과정을 살펴보면,
먼저 바닥에 특별제작된 종이를 깔고
화약 도화선을 배치한뒤
가연성의 가루를 뿌려요.
글자나 모양에 맞춰 오려낸
형판(스텐실)을 이용하면
좀더 명확한 윤곽을 형성할수 있어요.
점화후 폭파한 화약이
분산되어 패턴을 형성하도록
널판지로 위를 덮고
돌맹이로 고정시켜요..
준비를 마치고
한쪽끝에서 향을 피워 점화시키면
요란한 폭발음을 시작으로
화약이 종이틈새로 터져나와요.
signed in Pinyin,
titled in Chinese and English
and dated 1998, framed
gunpowder and ink on paper
183.8 by 65 cm.
Est. 1,200,000~1,600,000 HKD
(Sotheby`s HK 2014)
몇초후면 연기가 자욱하게 내려앉고,
각 모서리를 둘러싸 대기하고 있던
조수들이 재빨리 달려와
솜방망이로 두드려 모든 불씨를 없애요.
덮개용 널판지를 제거하고
타다만 종이조각과 화약가루를 털어내면
저면에 작가의 의도와
폭발의 우연성이 빚어낸
Gunpowder drawings이 완성돼있어요.
No Destruction, No Construction:1998
Art Type:Explosion Event
Approx. 500 x 10 m
Gunpowder bombs (25 kg),
fuse (2500 m), one helium balloon
Duration: Approximately 1 minute
Commissioned by the
Taiwan Province Museum of Art
Dragon Sight Sees Vienna:
Project for Extraterrestrials No. 32
Art Type:Explosion Event
Dimensions: Length 600meters.
Gunpowder (15 kg),fuse (600 m)
Duration: 15 seconds
Commissioned by Kunsthalle Wien
for the exhibition Cai Guo-Qiang:
I Am the Y2K Bug, (1999~2000)
Venice's Rent Collection Courtyard,1999
Art Type:Installation
108 life-sized sculptures
created on site by Long Xu Li
and nine guest artisan sculptors,
60 tons of clay, wire and wood armature.
Commissioned by
the 48th Venice Biennale
*artwork not extant
(Photo courtesy Fondation
Cartier pour l’art contemporain)
The Project for Projects (2002)
Art Type: Drawing Installation
Dimensions variable
Seven gunpowder drawings
-gunpowder on paper
mounted on board
as folding screens
Cai Guo-Qiang (2000)
-Paris, France
<Sky Bath ,2000>
Art Type: Installation
Dimensions variable
Medium: Digital prints on paper,
handwriting, and bulletin boards
Shanghai Biennale 2000:
Shanghai Spirit
Collection of the artist
<Till by Blade, Sow by Fire,2000>
La Ville, le Jardin, la Memoire
Art Type:Explosion Event
Gunpowder fuse
exploded in plowed dirt
Dimensions variable.
Realized at the Académie de
France à Rome, Villa Médicis, Rome
Academie de France, Rome
APEC Cityscape Fireworks,2001
Art Type: Explosion Event
Dimensions: Realized at The Bund,
Huangpu River,Oriental Pearl TV tower
(200,000 shots of explosive)
Duration: Approx.20 minutes
Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC)
Winning Gift:
Heavy with Wounds 2001
Art Type:Installation
53 x 60 cm
Collection of the artist
(Magnet: Foreign Artists
in Tuscany 1945-2000)
Net, The 2002
Art Type: Installation
Dimensions variable
Medium: Bronze bird cage,
99 canary birds, wood boat,
3000 golden arrows,
laptop computer, and rope
Cai Guo-Qiang (2002)
- Shanghai, China
Silk flag, silk lanterns,
industrial fans, and electric lights
Dimensions variable
-Collection of the artist
Installation view at Villa Manin Centre
for Contemporary Art, Udine, 2008
Transient Rainbow, 2002
Art Type: Explosion Event
Explosion radius approx. 200 m.
Realized over the East River,
from Manhattan to Queens
Duration: 15 seconds
Medium:1,000 3-inch multi-color
peony fireworks fitted with computer chips
Commissioned by
the Museum of Modern Art,New York
for the opening of MoMA Queens
Man, Eagle and Eye in the Sky:
Eye-Kite Flying People
Executed in 2003
titled in Chinese;
titled 'Eye-kite Flying People' in English;
inscribed in English;
dated '2003' (lower right)
gunpowder on paper
mounted on wood, quadriptych
overall: 230 x 310 cm.
Est. HK$3,000,000~$5,000,000
Lot Sold. HK$7,220,000
( Christie`s HK 2012 )
Light Cycle: Explosion Project
for Central Park ,2003
Art Type: Explosion Event
Realized at Central Park, NY
Medium: Tiger tails
titanium solutes
fitted with computer chips
shells with descending stars
Duration: 4 minutes
Commissioned by Creative Time
in conjunction with the City of NY and
the Central Park Conservancy
for the 150th anniversary
of the creation of Central Park
실현불가능 할것만 같았던
다양한 프로젝트도 실패를 거듭하면서
우공이산의 정신으로 성공시켜왔어요.
스스로 겁이많고 수줍음잘타는
성실한 사람이라 소개한 蔡는
인상적인 기획전시를 선보이고
대규모 축전행사를 도맡아하며
세계로 뻗어가고 있어요.
"An Arbitrary History:
Infinite River" 2008
Dimensions variable
Installation view at the National
Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2008
Installation incorporating resin
and bamboo riverbed, water,
yak skin and wood boats
2편에서는 99마리의 동물들이 모여
목을 축이는 작품을 선보인
Cai Guo-Qiang: Falling Back to Earth
전시얘기로 이어갈께요~
"When i `m 80 years old,
Art will let me act like an 8 years old."
-Cai Guo-Qiang :D