2016. 4. 5.

马修·巴尼 Matthew Barney 매튜 바니 (2)

1편에서 소개한 매튜바니의 
크리매스터와 구속의 드로잉은
 영상물, 사진, 촬영장세트,소품등이
 매우 높은 가치에 거래되고 있어요.
물론 주요미술관에 소장되었구요.

크리매스터는 90년대부터 현재까지 
미술관(ex.Detroit Institute of Art
대학교(ex. Oxford,Grove Auditorium),  
전시회 (ex.Carnegie International,PA)
영화축제(ex.New York Film Festival) 
축제(ex.Festival de Rio,Brazil/HK Festival)
비엔날레(ex.Shanghai Biennial)
극장(ex.LA-Beverly Cinema,
Teatre Le Trianon, Paris)등 다양한 
예술문화공간에서 상영되고 있어요.
2004년에는 무려 전세계 
50여곳에서 상영되었어요.

한국에서는 1999년,2000년에 

크리매스터 1,4,5가 상영된바 있어요. 

@아트선재 Artsonje, Seoul, Korea 
 November 18 ~ 19 , 1999


 @Inter Media City, Seoul, Korea 
September 2~ October 31, 2000

아래는 시리즈별 주요장면을 담은 

사진작품 위주의 경매기록이예요.
영상 보신분들은 바로 떠오를거예요.
 대부분 바바라 글래드스톤 갤러리
(Barbara Gladstone Gallery, NY)와
Regen Projects, Los Angeles를
거쳐 출품되었는데, 뉴욕 구겐하임
(Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,NY)
전시때도 공개된 작품들이예요.

앞서 소개한글과  중복되는 이미지가 있지만
1편은 영상물속의 1차적 이미지이고,
2편은 특유의 흰색 혹은 검은색 
아크릴 프레임(acrylic frame)에 담긴
 *사진(color coupler print,C-print,
Gelatin silver print)이예요.

*판화(Offset lithograph,screenprint

 metallic imprint)기록은 제외했어요.

<Cremaster 1>


<Choreography of Goodyear 1995>
each: 70.1 x 85.4 cm
signed and dated 'Matthew Barney 1995'
 (on the reverse of the upper element)
diptych--color coupler print
 in self-lubricating plastic frame 
number three from an edition of three 
Est. $70,000 - $100,000
Lot Sold. $92,500 
(Christie`s NY 2012)


< Goodyear, 1995>
83.8 x 116.8 cm
Gelatin silver print
 in self-lubricating artist's frame.
edition of six plus two artist's proofs. 
Est. $70,000 - 90,000 
Lot Sold. $170,500
(Phillips NY 2010)

<Cremaster 2>

<The Ectoplasm, 1999>
C-print in acrylic frame. 
109.2 x 132.1 cm 
Signed and dated 'Matthew
 Barney '99' on the reverse. 
 an edition of six plus one artist's proof.   
Est. £30,000 - 50,000 
Lot Sold. £37,250
(Phillips London 2008)

<Cremaster 3>

<Pediment, 2002>
two c-prints 
in the artist’s acrylic frames
116.8 x 86.4 cm
Left panel signed and dated 
"Matthew Barney 02" on the reverse. 
number three from an edition of three 
plus one artist's proof. 
Est. $40,000 - 60,000 

<Entered Novitiate, 2002>
C-print in the artist's acrylic frame.  
 overall.137.2 x 111.8 cm
Signed and dated "Matthew Barney 02" 
branded with the Cremaster 3 logo 
on the reverse of the frame. 
 an edition of six plus two artist's proofs.  
Est. $30,000~40,000 
SOLD FOR $62,500
(Phillips NY 2009)

<Basis Found, 2002>
C-print in the artist’s acrylic frame.
135.6 x 110.2 cm
Signed and dated “Matthew 
Barney 02” on the reverse. 
 an edition of six plus one artist’s proof. 
Est. $30,000 - 50,000 
SOLD FOR $68,500
(Phillips NY 2009)

<I Die Daily, 2002>
c-print, flush-mounted to Plexiglas,
 in artist's acrylicframe
137.2 x 111.8 cm
Signed and dated "Matthew 
Barney 02" on the reverse. 
 number four from an edition of six 
plus two artist's proofs. 
Est. $25,000 - 35,000 
SOLD FOR $35,000
(Phillips NY 2013)

<Cremaster 4>
< Loughton Ram, 1994>
C-print in the artist’s 
self-lubricating plastic frame.
85.1 x 59.7 x 3.8 cm
Signed “Matthew Barney” on the reverse. 
 an edition of six plus one artist’s proof. 
Est. $25,000 - 35,000 
SOLD FOR $35,000
(Phillips NY 2011)

Matthew Barney
<The Loughton Candidate 1994>
49.5 x 44.7 cm
color coupler print in cast plastic frame
 number nine from an edition of thirty.
Est. $30,000 - $50,000
Lot Sold. $25,000 
(Christie`s NY 2015)

Matthew Barney 
 <Three Legs of Man ,1994>
71.1 x 101.6cm
colour coupler print
in self-lubricating artist's frame 
'Matthew Barney '94' (on the reverse) 
  the artist proof of an edition 
of six plus one artist proof. 
Est. £18,000 - £22,000
Lot Sold .£22,500
(Christie`s London 2008)

<Valve 1994>
each: 84.4 x 69.8 cm
signed, blindstamped and dated
 'Matthew Barney 1994' 
(on the reverse of the second element)
four color-coupler prints in 
artist's self-lubricating acrylic frames. 
 number two from an edition of 
three plus one artist's proof. 
Est. $80,000 - $120,000
Lot Sold .$212,500 
(Christie`s NY 2011)

Matthew Barney
<Manuel A, 1994>
31.8 x 40 cm 
'Matthew Barney 1/10' 
(on the reverse of the frame). 
color coupler print in prosthetic 
self-lubricating plastic frame .
number one from an edition of ten. 
Est. $6,000 - $8,000
Lot Sold .$13,200 
(Christie`s NY 2005)

<Cremaster 5>
<Her Giant, 1997>
134 x 108.3 cm
chromogenic print,
 in self-lubricating plastic frame
Signed and dated "Matthew Barney '97" 
on the reverse of the frame;
 further stamped with Cremaster logo 
on the reverse of the frame. 
number 3 from an edition of 6 
plus 2 artist's proofs. 
Est. $50,000 ~70,000 
Lot Sold . $118,750
(Phillips NY 2014)

<The Menagerie of the Queen of Chain, 1996>
69.2 x 59.1 cm
C-print in the artist’s
 self-lubricating acrylic frame.
 edition of 30 plus six artist’s proofs. 
Est. $10,000 - 15,000 
Lot Sold . $10,625
(Phillips NY 2010)


< Bocsass el, 1997>
each.84.5 x 69.2 cm
Four C-prints in artist’s acrylic frames.
“Matthew Barney ’97” on the reverse; 
numbered of three on labels 
adhered to reverse of each frame.
 edition of three plus one artist's proof. 
Est. $120,000 - 180,000 
Lot Sold . $169,000
(Phillips NY 2008)

<Drawing Restraint 7>

<Envelopa: Drawing Restraint 7
 (manual) C, 1993>
Triptych: three black and white 
photographs in artist’s nylon frames. 
each.45.7 x 39.4 cm 
an edition of six. 
Est. $100,000 - 150,000 
Lot Sold . $133,000
(Phillips NY 2007)

<Drawing Restraint 9>

<The Terrestrials, 2005>
2 chromogenic prints, 
in self-lubricating plastic frames
each 83.8 x 68.6 x 3.8 cm
Signed and dated "Matthew Barney 05" 
on the reverse of one frame;
 further stamped with the 
Drawing Restraint 9 insignia 
on the reverse of the same frame. 
number 2 from an edition of 3 
plus 2 artist's proofs. 
Est. $30,000 - 40,000 
(Phillips NY 2014)

Matthew Barney 
<Drawing Restraint 9, 2005>
Polycaprolactone thermoplastic aquaplast 
and self-lubricating plastic, 
35mm color film with sound
92.7 x 289.5 x 203.2 cm
number ten from an edition of ten.
Est. $120,000 - $180,000
Lot Sold .$245,000
(Christie`s NY 2015)

to be continued ^^*