2016. 10. 14.

弗朗西斯科·何塞·德·戈雅/Francisco José de Goya/프란시스코 고야 (1.生涯/Portraits: Museo del Prado,National Gallery,Rijksmuseum/Auctions)

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes 
프란시스코 호세 드 고야 이 루시엔테스
( Spanish l 1746-1828 l aged 82 )
Movement: Romanticism
<Autumn / The Grape Harvest. 1786-1787>
Original Title: Otoño, o La cosecha de uva
 oil on canvas, 190 x 275 cm
 Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain

<The Parasol/El Quitasol. 1777>
Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain

● 个人履历 / 生涯

1746年. 出生于福恩特托多司村。
(Fuendetodos, Aragón, Spain)
 [gōngjiàng] 공예가 , 장인
[pòluò] 몰락한

1760年.戈雅随父母迁居  ▷萨拉戈萨(Zaragoza). 

[qiānjū] 이사 ,이주
[qiánghàn]강하고 용맹스럽다
[jiānqiángbùqū] 의지가 강해 굽힐 줄 모르다

At school he formed a close and lifelong

 friendship with fellow pupil Martin Zapater;
the 131 letters Goya wrote to him from 1775
until Zapater's death in 1801 give valuable insight
 into Goya's early years at the court in Madrid.

1763年 戈雅前往马德里投靠同乡
[Mǎdélǐ] 마드리드
[tóukào] 남에게 의지하다
[gōngtíng huàshī] 궁정화가
[bèilùqǔ] 입학하다
 Goya submitted entries for the Real 
Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando  
in 1763 and 1766, but was denied entrance.

1769年 前往意大利旅行,参加了
1770年 戈雅在德里·*比拉尔圣母教堂
 [Yìdàlì] 이탈리아
 [jìngsài] 시합,대회
*Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar
[Bǐlā'ěr shèngmǔ jiàotáng]
[jiāotuán] 교단

1773年 再次回马德里并结婚定居,妻子

好友画家  *弗朗西斯科·巴依也乌
的 妹妹霍塞法。
[jiéhūn] 결혼 , [qīzi] 아내
[hǎoyǒu huàjiā] 동료화가
Goya befriended *Francisco Bayeu, and married 
Bayeu's sister Josefa (he nicknamed her "Pepa")
 on 25 July 1773 and they had their first child, 
Antonio Juan Ramon Carlos, on 29 August 1774.

1776年 通过巴依也乌的介绍,
为皇家*圣巴巴拉  织造厂绘制
*Anton Raphael Mengs
[huángjiā] 황실,imperial family
*Santa Barbara
[Zhīzàochǎng] 직조공장

[huìzhì] (설계도) 제도,제작하다

1779年 受到*国王查理[chálǐ]三世的 接见。
Charles III /국왕 카를로스 3세
1780年 被选入 *圣费南多皇家美术学院。
[bèi xuǎn rù] (대회)입선하다,선출되다
* San Fernando 

In 1783, the Count of Floridablanca, 

favorite of ▷Charles III of Spain
commissioned Goya to paint his portrait.
 He became friends with Crown Prince ▷Don Luis
spending two summers painting portraits 
of both the Infante and ▷his family

During the 1780s, his circle of patrons grew
 to include the ▷Duke and Duchess of Osuna
the king and other notable people 
of the kingdom whom he painted. 
In 1786, Goya was given a salaried 
position as painter to Charles III.

1784年 由于一幅描绘圣虽尔纳金·西恩斯
[guānfāng] 국가,정부, 공식적
[dìwèi] 지위, 위치

1876年 任皇家织造工厂的美术领班
1786年 获宫廷画家的称号。
1792年 戈雅身染重病丧失了听力
[lǐngbān] 인솔,거느리다
[gōngtínghuàjiā] 궁정 화가.
[rǎn zhòngbìng]심각한 병에 걸리다
[sàngshīle tīnglì] 청력을 잃다

1803年 查理四世国王接受了戈雅的献礼
狂想曲》。并给他的独生子 发了养老金
并使戈雅可以保护自己免受 宗教裁判迫害
[xiànlǐ] 선사하다.
[kuángxiǎngqǔ] 광상곡.
[dúshēngzǐ] 외아들
[miǎnshòu] 면하게 해주다
[zōngjiàocáipàn] 종교 재판
[pòhài]  박해, 학대하다

1808年 西班牙拿破仑军队占领,他创作了
一批富于激情 逼真 表现力悲剧性作品。
1824年 戈雅在波尔多市西班牙
1828年4月16日 病故,享年82岁。
[nápòlún] 나폴레옹. 
[jīqíng]격정. 열정적인 감정 
[bīzhēn] 뚜렷,선명, 진짜같다
[biǎoxiànlì] 표현력.
[bēijùxìng] 비극성.비련의 
[qiáomín] 교민. 
[bìnggù] 병사하다. 
[xiǎngnián]  향년


<Goya: The Portraits 展> 

This event was held at the ▷National Gallery
from  7 October 2015 to 10 January 2016

고야가 남긴 160여점의 초상화는 전세계 
유수의 미술관과 개인컬렉션으로 흩어져있는데
이번 전시는 주요 초상작품들을 한자리에 
모은 최초의 기념비적인 전시였어요. 
(Goya's portraiture, consisting of
70 paintings on loan from across the world.)

Image : Detail from <The Duchess of Alba, 1797>
©The Hispanic Society of America, New York.

도록에 수록된 주요 작품들은
다음편에서 자세히 소개할께요 :)

▷News First (video)
▷Jeremy Paxman on Goya (video)

<The Marchioness of Santa Cruz, 1805>
 Oil on unlined canvas, 124.7 x 207.7 cm.

Francisco Goya was the greatest Spanish
painter of the 18th and early 19th century,
a man whose extraordinary works depicted
everything from royalty – he was court
painter – to major historical events,
 to the artist's personal nightmares.
His technique influenced generations of
artists, among them Manet and Picasso.

Goya had an enviable and 
slightly scary ability (인기비결이였어요:)
 to make people look highly intelligent.

Goya is often seen as an artist for the boys
with his war, gore and plentiful portraits of 
his intellectual cronies - some of 
the best of which are included here. 
But there are also two exquisitely sensitive 
portraits of young women,  both radiating
 a melancholy sensuality that feels very Spanish.

This is the great revolutionary painter, 
the precursor of Expressionism, aged 74,
 by now stonedeaf(청력을 상실한) and
 by repute half mad(반 미치광이의)
 but sharp enough to watch his own demise 
with the same unpitying, but all too-human
 gaze with which he observed the
 great events and personalities of his time.

This is genuinely one of the shows of
 the decade, revealing an artist whose
  unflinching portrayals of humanity 
still feel risky 200 years on.

▷The Telegraph

<Francisca Sabasa Y Garcia  1804-1808>
= Sabasa Francisca y García
oil on canvas, 58 x 71 cm
National Gallery of Art
Andrew W. Mellon Collection, 1937.1.88
< Victor Guye, 1810 >
 oil on canvas,
National Gallery of Art
 Gift of William Nelson Cromwell, 1956.11.1
<Marquesa Mariana De Pontejos 1786>
= Mariana Marquesa de Pontejos
oil on canvas, 126 x 212 cm
National Gallery of Art
Andrew W. Mellon Collection, 1937.1.85



<Portrait of Don Ramón Satué, 1823>
oil on canvas, h 107cm × w 83.5cm.
Rijksmuseum 레이크스 국립 미술관
(The Museum of the Netherlands , Amsterdam)
Credit line:Purchased with the support of the
 Vereniging Rembrandt / Acquisition 1922

Goya owes his fame to his portraits of the
 Spanish court and to his idiosyncratic prints. 
He had already turned 76 when he painted 
this powerful portrait. Satué was a judge 
in the highest tribunal(재판소,법원)
 of Castile(카스티야, 스페인). 
The casual pose and open collar have 
an informality that Goya usually reserved
  for portraits of his most intimate friends.


● Related Auction Results

inscribed by the artist on the reverse: 
 Goya á su/ nieto en 1827/ á/ los 81 de su/ 
edad [Goya, to his grandson, at 81 years old]
oil on canvas, 52 by 41.2 cm.
▷Sotheby`s  NewYork  2013
Est.  6,000,000- 8,000,000 USD

The Hague, ▷Mauritshuis
(헤이그, 마우리츠후이스 미술관)
 Paris, ▷Orangerie des Tuileries Goya
 (14 July - 7 December 1970)


oil on canvas, 55.2 by 44.5 cm.
▷Sotheby`s  LONDON  2009
Est.  2,500,000-3,500,000  GBP
 Lot Sold. 2,617,250 GBP

Possibly identifiable with a painting listed 
in the October 1812 inventory of paintings
 in Goya's house in the Calle de Valverde, Madrid, 
bequeathed to his son Javier Goya(1784 - 1854).

<A Still life of dead hares>
oil on canvas,  45 x 63 cm.
▷Christie`s NY 2003
Est. 2,000,000-3,000,000USD
Price Realised 5,069,500 USD

After the death of Goya's wife, Josefa Bayeu,

 on 26 June 1812, an inventory of the paintings
 in the couple's possession was drawn up .
 The document included twelve still lifes
 by the artist, all of which probably
 dated from the period 1808-1812.
 The present painting was one of twelve. 
Two others, described in an 1865 inventory 
as depicting dead game with partridges
 and fruit and fish, remain untraced


<▷Crucified Christ/ Cristo crucificado. 1780>
oil on canvas, 154 x 255 cm
 Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain

To Be Continued-
