Salvador Dalí
살바도르 달리
(Spanishㅣ1904-1989 ㅣaged 84)
Movement : Cubism, Dada, Surrealism
Spouse : Gala Dalí . 1934-1982
● Catalogue raisonné
Cat. no.1
The Salvador Dalí Museum, Florida
Cat. no. 762 ▷Las Meninas (The Meninas)
Nahmad collection, Switzerland
(코뿔소의 뿔)
Gift from Salvador Dalí
to President Jordi Pujol in 1986.
Cat. no. 1182
To mark the centenary of Salvador
Dalí's birth (탄생 100주년 기념:) ,
in 2004 the foundation that bears his name
decided to pay tribute to the painter
by publishing the first section of
the catalogue raisonné of his paintings,
which spans the years 1910 to 1930.
In 2007 we launched the second part
of this work, which deals with
Dalí's paintings up until 1939.
In 2011 the third part,
covering the oil paintings until 1951.
We are now introducing the fourth part,
covering the oil paintings until 1964.
In the next few years we will
analyse the works up until 1983.
This major undertaking is being
carried out by technical staff of
the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí.
Dalí's birth (탄생 100주년 기념:) ,
in 2004 the foundation that bears his name
decided to pay tribute to the painter
by publishing the first section of
the catalogue raisonné of his paintings,
which spans the years 1910 to 1930.
In 2007 we launched the second part
of this work, which deals with
Dalí's paintings up until 1939.
In 2011 the third part,
covering the oil paintings until 1951.
We are now introducing the fourth part,
covering the oil paintings until 1964.
In the next few years we will
analyse the works up until 1983.
This major undertaking is being
carried out by technical staff of
the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí.
Signed Dalí and dated 1965
Oil on lenticular plastic(렌티큘러)
16.5 by 11.4 cm
▷Sotheby`s NewYork 2016
Est. 50,000 - 70,000 USD
Lot Sold. 93,750 USD
- Musée national d'arte moderne,
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
- Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
국립 소피아 왕비 예술센터(Madrid)

Conceived and cast in 1966.
Gilt and silvered bronze
Height: 20 1/4 in. (51.5 cm).
numbered 4/6 and inscribed
with the foundry(주물,주조공장) mark
Georges Rudier. Fondeur. Paris
▷Sotheby`s NewYork 2016
Est. 20,000 - 30,000 USD
Lot Sold. 100,000 USD
For the execution of this sculpture,
the Rudier Foundry brought Dalí
the skull of a Margay cat (a Latin American
wildcat from the family of ocelots)
to form the end of the violin.
The back of the instrument is a human backside.
In The Secret Life, Dalí recalls how once
he smashed a violin of a school chum with
his feet 'to finally obtain irrefutable proof
of the superiority of painting over music'"

<Chevauchée céleste/Celestial Ride 1957>
signed 'S DALI' (lower left)
oil on canvas, 188 x 83.9 cm.
Exhibited: Paris, Galerie de l'Elysée(1973)
▷Christie`s London 2010
Est. 800,000- 1,200,000 GBP
Price Realised 2,169,250 GBP ($3,219,167)
▷Christie`s London 2015
Est. 2,000,000- 3,000,000 GBP
Price Realised 2,882,500 GBP($ 4,554,350)
bizarre triumphal celestial march.
(승전을 축하하는 천상의 기이한 행군)
With its unforgettable image of a tame
rhinoceros travelling through the clouds
on vast and fragile elongated legs, while
carrying a young naked virgin holding aloft
a symbolic crutch, the painting is a powerful
icon of the central erotic theme of Dalí's art -
his belief in the creative power of impotence.
For Dalí the rhinoceros was a "cosmic" animal
that belonged in the heavens - even more
than the elephants of his famous painting
The Temptation of Saint Anthony.
The rhino's hide(가죽), Dal asserted, had
"plenty of divine granulations(과립조직)", and
its horns, he had been delighted to discover,
were "the only ones in the animal kingdom
constructed in accordance with a perfect
logarithmic spiral(수학;로그 나사선)".
Dalí had first been given a rhino horn
by the poet Emmanuel Looten around 1950
and throughout the decade the rhinoceros horn
became an obsessive icon in his work.
In much Eastern mythology the rhino horn is
widely believed to be a source of sexual potency.
For Dalí too, the rhinoceros was an image of
strength and virility that ultimately manifested
itself in the phallic projection of its horn.
Its complimentary symbol was the virgin,
whom Dalí regarded as being the target
and receptacle of the rhino's virility(정력).
The crutch(목발) which the virgin
brandishes(휘두르다) like a sceptre
(왕권의 상징으로 드는 홀)
is one of Dalí's most repeated images and
was for the artist a perennial(영구,지속적인)
symbol of impotency that had comforted
and inspired him since his childhood.
By the 1950s Dalí openly celebrated
his own sexual difficulty in this respect,
claiming that ‘all the great people who
realise sensational achievements are
impotent, Napoleon, everybody.
The people who are not impotent make
children, embryos, and nothing more.
But immediately that sex works only with
extreme difficulty, you create fantastic music,
architecture, visions, imperial invasions '
Signed Dalí and dated 1965
Oil on lenticular plastic(렌티큘러)
16.5 by 11.4 cm
▷Sotheby`s NewYork 2016
Est. 50,000 - 70,000 USD
Lot Sold. 93,750 USD
- Musée national d'arte moderne,
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
- Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
국립 소피아 왕비 예술센터(Madrid)

Conceived and cast in 1966.
Gilt and silvered bronze
Height: 20 1/4 in. (51.5 cm).
numbered 4/6 and inscribed
with the foundry(주물,주조공장) mark
Georges Rudier. Fondeur. Paris
▷Sotheby`s NewYork 2016
Est. 20,000 - 30,000 USD
Lot Sold. 100,000 USD
For the execution of this sculpture,
the Rudier Foundry brought Dalí
the skull of a Margay cat (a Latin American
wildcat from the family of ocelots)
to form the end of the violin.
The back of the instrument is a human backside.
In The Secret Life, Dalí recalls how once
he smashed a violin of a school chum with
his feet 'to finally obtain irrefutable proof
of the superiority of painting over music'"

<Chevauchée céleste/Celestial Ride 1957>
signed 'S DALI' (lower left)
oil on canvas, 188 x 83.9 cm.
Exhibited: Paris, Galerie de l'Elysée(1973)
▷Christie`s London 2010
Est. 800,000- 1,200,000 GBP
Price Realised 2,169,250 GBP ($3,219,167)
▷Christie`s London 2015
Est. 2,000,000- 3,000,000 GBP
Price Realised 2,882,500 GBP($ 4,554,350)
Lot essay
Celestial Ride is a portrait of abizarre triumphal celestial march.
(승전을 축하하는 천상의 기이한 행군)
With its unforgettable image of a tame
rhinoceros travelling through the clouds
on vast and fragile elongated legs, while
carrying a young naked virgin holding aloft
a symbolic crutch, the painting is a powerful
icon of the central erotic theme of Dalí's art -
his belief in the creative power of impotence.
For Dalí the rhinoceros was a "cosmic" animal
that belonged in the heavens - even more
than the elephants of his famous painting
The Temptation of Saint Anthony.
The rhino's hide(가죽), Dal asserted, had
"plenty of divine granulations(과립조직)", and
its horns, he had been delighted to discover,
were "the only ones in the animal kingdom
constructed in accordance with a perfect
logarithmic spiral(수학;로그 나사선)".
by the poet Emmanuel Looten around 1950
and throughout the decade the rhinoceros horn
became an obsessive icon in his work.
In much Eastern mythology the rhino horn is
widely believed to be a source of sexual potency.
For Dalí too, the rhinoceros was an image of
strength and virility that ultimately manifested
itself in the phallic projection of its horn.
Its complimentary symbol was the virgin,
whom Dalí regarded as being the target
and receptacle of the rhino's virility(정력).
The crutch(목발) which the virgin
brandishes(휘두르다) like a sceptre
(왕권의 상징으로 드는 홀)
is one of Dalí's most repeated images and
was for the artist a perennial(영구,지속적인)
symbol of impotency that had comforted
and inspired him since his childhood.
By the 1950s Dalí openly celebrated
his own sexual difficulty in this respect,
claiming that ‘all the great people who
realise sensational achievements are
impotent, Napoleon, everybody.
The people who are not impotent make
children, embryos, and nothing more.
But immediately that sex works only with
extreme difficulty, you create fantastic music,
architecture, visions, imperial invasions '
The rhinoceros and the virgin are therefore
symbolic opposites that in this work
have been harmoniously united in a
celestial union or hieros gamos(성혼 聖婚).
This strange marriage that has resulted in
the virile beast being tamed by the virgin,
is echoed in the background of the painting
where two sexually complimentary but
wholly amorphic(비정형의) shapes deriving
from Dalí's childhood obsession with
Millet's Angelus (밀레의 만종)
surround a phallic(남근의) skyscraper
that also rises above the clouds.
In addition to this, the TV-like window
in the side of the rhinoceros depicting a
game of baseball also asserts the same sense
of a dynamic sexual union of opposites.
For, according to the animator ▷John Hench,
(존 헨치) with whom Dalí worked on the
film project ▷Destino in the late 1940s.
symbolic opposites that in this work
have been harmoniously united in a
celestial union or hieros gamos(성혼 聖婚).
This strange marriage that has resulted in
the virile beast being tamed by the virgin,
is echoed in the background of the painting
where two sexually complimentary but
wholly amorphic(비정형의) shapes deriving
from Dalí's childhood obsession with
Millet's Angelus (밀레의 만종)
surround a phallic(남근의) skyscraper
that also rises above the clouds.
In addition to this, the TV-like window
in the side of the rhinoceros depicting a
game of baseball also asserts the same sense
of a dynamic sexual union of opposites.
For, according to the animator ▷John Hench,
(존 헨치) with whom Dalí worked on the
film project ▷Destino in the late 1940s.
Dominated by the seeming visual
impossibility of the rhino's delicate
elongated legs to bear the weight of
such a robust and heavy creature,
Chevauchée céleste is a parade of opposites.
Opposites that are all harmoniously united
in the celestial domain of the soft-clock,
that timeless and magical dream-world
of Dalí's evidently fertile imagination.
● Early life (1904 - 1922)
<Salvador Dalí as a child, 1905>
( Figueres 피게레스, Girona 히로나, Spain )
In 1908, His father enrolled Salvador
at the State Primary School,
under the teacher Esteve Trayter.
[Tiānzhǔjiào zhōngxué] 천주교 중등학교
已 崭露绘画天才。
[zhǎnlù huìhuà tiāncái]
회화에 천부적 재능을 드러내다
In 1916, Salvador spent periods on the
outskirts of Figueres, at the Molí de la Torre
estate owned by the Pichot family.
After a mediocre primary school period,
in the autumn he began his secondary
schooling at the Marist Brothers' school
and at Figueres grammar school.
He also attended the classes at the
Municipal Drawing School in Figueres.
1918年,对彩色[cǎisè /color] 疯狂酷爱。
[fēngkuáng kù'ài]미친듯이 좋아하다
[shìlì jùyuàn] 시립극장
[dāngdì huàjiā huàzhǎn]지방,고장의 전람회
[chūcì zhǎnchū] 처음 전시하다
In 1919 ,Took part in a group exhibition
at the Societat de Concerts rooms in Figueres'
Municipal Theatre (which was years later
to become the Dalí Theatre-Museum).
With a group of grammar-school friends
he founded Studium magazine,
in which he published his first articles.
He began a personal diary entitled
Les meves impressions i records íntims
(My Personal Impressions and Private Memories),
which he continued through the following year.
评论杂志 “体育场(Studium magazin)” 投稿。
评论杂志 “体育场(Studium magazin)” 投稿。
[dìngqī zhuànxiě] 정기적으로 저술하다.
[ pínglùn zázhì ]평론,논평 잡지
In 1920 , If he were set on becoming
a painter, his father made it a condition
that he go to Madrid to study
at the Fine Arts School, in order to qualify
as a teacher. Dalí accepted to do so.
1921年,进入马德里[Mǎdélǐ 마드리드] 的
素描 [sùmiáo] 소묘,데생
油画 [yóuhuà] 유화
雕塑 [diāosù] 조소
In 1921, His mother died in February.
The following year, his father married
Catalina Domènech Ferrés,
the deceased woman's sister.
画廊 [huàláng] 화랑
In 1922, He took part in the Students
Original Art Works Competition Exhibition,
held at Galeries Dalmau in Barcelona,
where his work Market was awarded
the University Vice-Chancellor's prize.
In Madrid, he attended the Special Painting,
Sculpture and Engraving School
(Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando)
and lived at the Residencia de Estudiantes,
where he befriended a group of young people
who were also to become with time leading
intellectual and artistic personalities:
Luis Buñuel (루이스 부뉴엘, Filmmaker)
Federico García Lorca
(페데리코 가르시아 로르카)
(페데리코 가르시아 로르카)
Pedro Garfias, Eugenio Montes and
Pepín Bello, among others.