2016. 9. 26.

弗兰茨·马尔克 Franz Marc 프란츠 마르크(2.The Blue Rider/ AUCTIONS/ EXHIBITIONS)

Franz Marc 
프란츠 마르크 
(German 德国ㅣ1880 –1916ㅣaged 36 ) 
Movement : Expressionism

Blue is the male principle, stern and spiritual.
 Yellow the female principle, gentle, cheerfu
l and sensual. Red is matter, brutal and heavy
 and always the colour which must be fought
 and vanquished by the other two.”
- Franz Marc

<Dreaming Horse 1913>
( Träumendes Pferd )
Watercolor, gouache, ink, and graphite 
on paper /39.6 x 46.8 cm
CREDIT : Founding Collection
<Deer in the Snow II, 1911>
oil on canvas , 84.5 x 84.7 cm
Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus
 (Germany - Munich)     
<Two Deer Lying Down, 1912–13>
Gouache on paper, 10 x 17 cm
CREDIT : Founding Collection
<Donkey Frieze 1911>
 oil on canvas, 81 cm 150 cm
<Self-Portrait  1905>
Impressionism/100.5 cm x 62.5 cm
Stadtische Kunstsammlungen Darmstadt  
(Germany - Darmstadt)

 Der Bliue Reiler

The Blue Rider (청기사파)
Der Blaue Reiter was an art movement 

lasting from 1911 to 1914, 
fundamental to Expressionism,
 along with Die Brücke(브뤼케/다리파 橋派) 
which was founded in 1905.
 1911년에 결성된후 1차 세계대전 발발로 
그룹은 자연해산 되었어요. 
청기사파와 다리파는  
독일 표현주의의 유파(流派)예요.

Wassily Kandinsky 바실리 칸딘스키
Franz Marc 프란츠 마르크 
Paul Klee 파울 클레
August Macke 아우구스트 마케
Gabriele Münter 가브리엘레 뮌터
Albert Bloch 알버트 블로흐
David Burliuk 다비드 불뤼크
Alfred Kubin 알프레드 쿠빈
Lyonel Feininger 라이오넬 파이닝어 
Arnold Schoenberg 아르놀트 쇤베르크
Natalia Goncharova 나탈리아 곤차로바
Heinrich Campendonk 하인리히 캄펜덩크 
Alexej von Jawlensky  알렉세이 폰 야블렌스키
Marianne von Werefkin 마리안느 폰 베레프킨

1909년 설립된 뮌헨 신 미술가 협회
 (Neue Künstlervereinigung München)는
그해 말에 첫번째 협회展을 가졌어요.
협회장 칸딘스키의 주도하에 진행되었지만
 언론과 대중의 평가는 냉담했고,
이런 반응이 계속되자 조직의 내부갈등으로
이어지면서 칸딘스키가 탈퇴하기에 이르렀어요.
 1911년 3회 협회전이 열린날,바로 옆 화랑에서 
 함께 이탈했던 핵심구성원들이 모여 전시회를 
가졌는데, 그것이 바로 청기사展이예요.

20년이 흐른 1930년 칸딘스키가 회상하기를, 
그룹名은 마르크와 뒤뜰에서 커피를 마시다가 
서로 좋아하는 말, 기사, 청색을 모티프로 하여
즉흥적으로 생각해낸 이름이였다고 해요.
아래 옥션결과에서 소개할 이 목판화는
 2회 청기사展을 기념하여 발간된 연감
(매년발행하는 정기간행물)의 표지예요. 
칸딘스키와 마르크가  제작했으며, 
둘은 책의 구성과 편집도 맡았어요.
19편의 글과 비평문, 140여개의 도판,
3개의 악보가 수록되어 있어요.

First exhibition
December 18, 1911, the "First exhibition
of the editorial board of Der Blaue Reiter"
(Erste Ausstellung der Redaktion Der Blaue Reiter)
 opened at the Heinrich Thannhauser's
Moderne Galerie(탄하우저 화랑) in Munich,
 running through the first days of 1912.
Second exhibition
February 12 through April 2, 1912,
 the "Second exhibition of the editorial board
of Der Blaue Reiter" showed works in
"Black & White" (Zweite Ausstellung der
Redaktion Der Blaue Reiter, Schwarz-Weiß)
 at the "New Art" Gallery of Hans Goltz
 (Neue Kunst Hans Goltz) in Munich.


<Yellow Cow ( Gelbe Kuh ), 1911>
Oil on canvas, 140.5 x 189.2 cm 
CREDIT : Founding Collection
<Girl with Cat II 1912>
oil on canvas  71.5 cm x  66.5 cm
<Young Boy with a Lamb; The Good Shepherd>
=Knabe mit Lamm; Der gute Hirte, 1911
Oil on canvas, 88 x 83.8 cm
(By purchase)
<Nudes 1912>
(also known as Two Lying Nudes)
Tempera, 54.3 cm x  67.5 cm 
<Stables /Stallungen ,1913>
Oil on canvas, 73.6 x 157.5 cm
CREDIT: Founding Collection
<Ried Castle 1914>
Brush and Indian ink, watercolor
 on laid paper/11.5 cm x  17.7 cm
Neue Nationalgalerie(New National Gallery)
 - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin  
(National Museums in Berlin)
Playing Dogs 1912 >
tempera on panel , 38.1 cm x 54.61 cm 
Busch-Reisinger Museum  
(United States - Cambridge, Massachusetts)     
<Sacrificial Lamb from Lana 1913 >
Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus
 (Germany - Munich)     
watercolor,gouache on postcard /9 x 14 cm
<Lying Horse 1911>
Tempera on cardboard
41.5 cm x 53.2 cm 


(Deer Leaping among Flowers)
watercolour and pen and ink on paper
10.3 by 15.2cm/ 4 by 6in.
▷Sotheby's London 2016
Est. 60,000-80,000 GBP
Lot Sold. 209,000 GBP
gouache, watercolour and pencil 
on paper, 21.7 by 16.7cm 
▷Sotheby's London 2015
Est.  150,000- 200,000  GBP
Lot Sold. 257,000 GBP 

<Der Blaue Reiter> 
by Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc
298 x 221mm
*Munich: R. Piper & Co.(1912)

Three coloured reproductions,
one of these the frontispiece(표제화),
and illustrated throughout
with halftone(망판 網版/망점) reproductions,
and with vocal scores(악보)
by Schönberg, Berg and Von Webern.
(One advert with the image excised.)
Contemporary blue morocco,
the spine and upper side lettered in gilt,
original printed wrappers bound-in, 
top edge black
(papers wrappers lightly soiled;
morocco spine evenly faded to light green).
First Edition, One of 1200 copies.
(Price Realised: GBP 4,000)

The book containing a colour woodcut 

in black and blue with the monogram
 in black lower right, a woodcut in black,
 four colour reproductions with hand colour, 
musical scores, text in German, 
from the edition of 1200, 
published by R.Piper & Co.Verlag, Munich
▷Bonhams London 2012
(Sold for £3,500 inc. premium)
<Pferd und Rind  >
gouache on paper, 12 x 15.1cm
▷Bonhams NewYork 2014
(Sold for US$ 245,000 inc. premium)


at the Museum of Fine Arts Bern 
(Musée des Beaux-Arts de Berne)
Hodlerstrasse 8–12 
CH-3000 Bern 7 

For the very first time,the Museum of Fine Arts Berne is mounting a special exhibition that takes an intensive look at the modern masters collection from the angle of its acquisition history. With its own funds, the museum only purchased a small proportion of the items in the collection, which boasts major works by artists such as Marc Chagall, Wassily Kandinsky, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Paul Klee, ▷Franz Marc, or Pablo Picasso. Indeed, numerous private collectors and further institutions donated  artworks to the museum as endowments, bequests, gifts, or permanent loans. A number of the pieces were accrued when the Nazis sorted them out of German museums from 1937 onward. Therefore the exhibition highlights issues such as "degenerate art" or "intellect as a national defense mechanism" in Switzerland.
(OPENING, 06.04.2016)

As is the case with all public collections, the Museum of Fine Arts, Berne, regards the study and presentation of the history of its holdings as a vital goal. In this exhibition we seek to show the public what makes up our internationally outstanding collection of modern masters at the Museum of Fine Arts, Berne, and how their works came to be part of it as art that the Nazi dictatorship(독재정치) officially considered undesirable in the German Reich. At the same time, this angle on our collection provides a backdrop for asking questions about the circumstances that ultimately led to great losses regarding cultural legacy for German museums and private collectors too. Some of these works also found their way to the Museum of Fine Arts, Berne.
(07.04.2016 – 21.08.2016)

<퇴폐미술전  Entartete Kunst>

The Degenerate Art Exhibition was an 
art exhibition organized by Adolf Ziegler 히틀러
and the Nazi Party 나치정당
in Munich from 19 July to 30 November 1937.


<'Russi' Lying, 1910-1911>
oil on cardboard , 9.5 x 14.4 cm
Private collection
<Jumping Dog Schlick  1908>
oil on cardboard 67.31 x 54.61 cm
Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus 
 (Germany - Munich)     

마르크의 애완견 pet dogs 
루시 & 슐리크예요 :)
